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Thursday, January 14, 2010


In the mist of taking care of everyone in this house, I can sometimes forget the dreams that I have. There is more to me than just a wife, mother, and daughter. I still have desires and dreams. There is a website called Bucket List. I guess they got the name from that movie (which is really good, by the way). You can list things you would like to do before you die or places you would like to see or whatever. So, here is my top 10's.

To do:
1. Finish a full marathon (26 miles)
2. Pilot a plane
3. Have a glass of $500+ bottle of wine.
4. See Paul McCartney in concert
5. See a Broadway show
6. See a game in Yankees Stadium
7. Go to the NCAA Final Four when UNC is in it.
8. Go to a World Series Game
9. Do a Missions Trip in another country
10. See a service in the Brooklyn Tabernacle

To go:
1. Ireland
2. Provance, France
3. England
4. Australia
5. Egypt
7. Prague
8. India
9. Germany
10. Spain

I have done some great things in my life and been to some great places. Here are the ones I can check off my bucket list. Just the top 10.

1. Ridden a Elephant
2. Held a aligator in my lap
3. Did the Susan G Komen Race for the cure! Amazing!
4. Game at Fenway Park, Boston
5. Sat in on a meeting of the House of Representatives
6. Had a glass of wine on a piazza in Rome
7. Ridden on a Gondola in Venice
8. Seen Cher, Tina Turner, and Elton John in concert
9. Met Roy Clark (Hee Haw)
10.Been in The White House

1. Italy
2. Boston
3. San Diego
4. Cancun
5. Toronto
6. New York City
7. Disney World
8. Washington DC
9. Las Vegas
10. Chicago

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogger Julie! You'll love it here. Hope to see you around my blog too. =)
