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St. Louis, Missouri!

St. Louis, Missouri!

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mrs. Frugal

So, I don't really make New Years Resolutions, however one thing I would like to do better this year, is being more frugal. I am a bit of a Shopaholic and a spender. We had a speaker at Moms Club last night (who is a fellow member) who had some great tips for saving money. I guess I am gonna be a coupon cliper! I hate coupons, but maybe I should give them a try. I am also trying not to be such a impulse buyer. I am sucker for the gossip magazine in the checkout at the grocery store! I want to be a good steward of the finances that God has blessed our family with. We will see how it all goes.....

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya on this one. I gave up my People mag a couple of years ago because I thought it was mostly gossip and I didn't want to have tendencies towards that. Plus, it's hard for a girl not to shop! Hugs to you :-)
