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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Irish Rules

Irish Rules:

1. The Irish always make the rules.

2. The Irish may change the rules at any time without so much as a "top o' the mornin" to you.

3. The luck of the Irish applies only to the Irish and is non-transferable.

4. If you mess with the Irish, you will be haunted by Murphy's Law for the rest of your life.

5. Kissing the Blarney Stone and eating "Lucky Charms" will not make you Irish.

6. All "wanna-be" Irish should stay out of all the good pubs on St. Patrick's Day.

7. If you don't know the words to "Danny Boy", you should stay home on St Pat's.

8. If you bear a resemblance to "Patty's Pig", you may gain honorary Irish status.

9. Only the Irish may live the life of Reilly, given his express written consent.

10. Faliure to comply with the Irish rules may cause you to develop a painful shamrock-shaped rash on your shillelagh.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!!! I think I mentioned that my mom was born in Belfast. Funny and true!!
