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St. Louis, Missouri!

St. Louis, Missouri!

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 things you may not know about me

1. I can sew! Really, I can! Kinda surprising since I am not very domestic!
2. I was on the Deans List in College
3. I love trivia. Jeopardy is one of my favorite shows! I know a lot of useless information!
4. I hate camping.
5. I once met Hee Haw star, Roy Clark. I went to Roy Clark Elementary in Tulsa, OK. The school donated money to a children's home he worked with and I was the one who got to hand him the big check, on stage, in front of the entire school!
6. I studied dance from age 3-17. I did ballet, tap, jazz, and the rockett dancing.
7. My all time favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn! Love her!
8. I LOVE Romie and Michelle's High School Reunion!
9. I had 10 Cabbage Patch Dolls as a kid!
10. I went to 5 different Elementary schools.

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